What others are saying…

I crow my delight in sharing and admiring the joyful, personally expansive treat of your jewelry collection. I applaud the courage of bravely going public with such wild inventive leaps of imagination, each piece exquisite and precise and pleasing in thought and application, altogether making such extraordinary magic out of the ordinary and the everyday.

Well, if there’s one word I would use to describe the work it would be “important.” There’s also striking, riveting and dynamic, those work too. I think the work crosses three remarkable boundaries, linking wearable, attractive jewelry with environmental consciousness and handmade art. At their intersection is something quite remarkable and worthy of serious attention, I think. I sat there watching your work on the screen, seeing something that’s evolved from your sensibilities and your life with Judy into a work that has world ready consciousness and maturity. Congratulations on finally sharing this with the world.

I think you are a creative genius, Sonya. I remember seeing you wearing your handmade jewelry and being floored by it; original and provocative styling by an original and provocative artist. So happy to see your website and blog come to life and I’m wishing you every success in the future. Folks, Sonya is THE REAL DEAL.

Henceforth, I shall never ever doubt the machinations of your bountiful creativity. Just create and I’ll ogle and wonder. Lots of oooohs and awes from this end.

Wow Sonya, I’m simply blown away by the creativity and imagination that explodes in every piece of work I’m seeing! The transformation of seemingly useless materials unto something so gorgeous and yet very meaningful is absolutely mindblowing.

Sonya, your work is absolutely beautiful!! It’s great that you’ve found a way to turn items that would be considered junk into works of art. You’re decreasing the carbon footprint while giving people unique fashion accessories. Kudos to you!

I thought I knew all that there was to know and discover about you as an artist… until this jewelry line was revealed to me in a sneak peek. It shattered my perceptions of you as an artist and opened my eyes more fully to the use and re-imagining of discarded materials. I am so blessed to be in the presence of Sonya. I want to pay you the ultimate homage by saying “I know Judy would be proud”

As always, you have dazzled me with your creativity, consciousness, and keen ability to touch the heart of what is unique, beautiful and eye catching. Your work reflects your soul and your passion. I know with confidence this will be the beginning of a line that will take-off bigger than your wildest dreams.

Sonya…you are simply awesome. I remember sitting with you and thinking the same thing when you showed me your manipulated Polaroids and again for your exhibition so many years ago. I am continually amazed that we may look at the same things and yet you see so much more. To find such beauty in everyday things is indeed a blessing.

Your talent is endless. I am always amazed by it. Pure perfection in everything you touch. R-

Hi Sonya…Today I became the proud owner of a most beautiful piece of your art!  A fabulous ring! I wanted you to know that I remember your mum very vividly….and the flowers she made for my maid of honor gown that I wore to my sister’s wedding….and now…full circle ….to receive as a gift a ring that you have done! Just wanted to say bravo and thank you for your talent!

I was totally mesmerized by your creations! However, I was not at all surprised, as your mother Judy used to make the most fascinating pieces out of scraps of natural materials. Congratulations on your exhibition and the best of luck.

I collect jewellry made from natural and unusual material such as calabash, coconut, wood and seeds. I purchased the ring made of simple drinking straws finished to look like metal. I fell in love with this ring immediately. I felt as if you had made it just for me. You are a soulful, wonderful, passionate designer. Your work is so unusual that it sholud not be purchased if one is a conformist. You stand out because of your creative mind which transforms everyday objects into pieces I will gladly part with my money for. Simply put…. your work is refreshing and timeless!

Stunning!! Love the colors and all the detail! Beautiful!!

You are remarkable! What talent!

Stunning! I had never seen this work before . You are just amazing!

Went to see your pieces at the Cornell museum ….Beautiful! You are so talented!!!

Unravelled 2020 art jewelry: Lovely pieces Sonya!

Unravelled 2020 art jewelry: Love them all Sonya! Reminds me so much of Aunty Judys creations she gave us as presents! Gorgeous!!!

Sonya, I love, love, love! Powerful! Your work is actually unspeakable and indescribable. You are truly blessed, not just with talent, but with the opportunity to live a life where you can share your talent with everyone. I’m sure this brings joy to many who see what you create. It does to me. Keep forging forward!

Sonya, I have to congratulate you on your two awesome pieces in YArt gallery. To Sir with Love was so perfect and well thought out. And the ode to mothers so special and perfect! 

My god Sonya… These are gorgeous! Dresses and accessories!!  Spot on! Fabulous!

Stunning! Fabulous! Well done!

You come good
Better and better and more good again
Which is precisely the best way how to come and  to go and to grow
You have well grown up to become and bloom into your full beautiful mature artist self.
This old masman artist is so proud of you
your mother was a blessed guardian angel besides being a most dear friend  to me
Then and now
She is ever-present in these stressful times
She is ever yet a guide and an inspiration to me
So yes Ms Judy Girl Child from the Land of the Hummingbird
You come real good
Plenty plenty good
Ms Judy love and light shining plenty plenty all round you

From Sir with love : ) 

Each one is an exquisite work of art in itself! You are so incredibly creative!!

WOW!!! !!!!!WOW!!!!!WOW!!!!!!
You are so amazingly talented and creative. I am going to save these so that from time to time I can look back and admire these true works of art. Love them all!

Beautiful …. you are an amazing artist !

Wow Sonya! You are really mad talented! Love the words as well. Always honoring.

Your up-cycled  plastic and paper dresses are absolutely stunning!

You continue to amaze and delight! Superb! Outstanding!

Art Couture – recycled plastic and Paper dresses: These are blow mind! You are truly a one-of-a-kind artist. They’re amazing!

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